香港街頭忍不住恩愛遭偷拍的大學妹被網友起底 生活照曝光!不敢相信她會這樣。。。
Mizuno Sports Equipment | Mizuno USA 一對大學生情侶4月1日在何文田理大宿舍對開的佛光街行人路上,半裸身體肉帛相見,被人拍成短片瘋傳,因女友不見學生證回不到宿舍,惟有在街頭聊天,醉意加情濃,才當街肉搏。 現在的大學生真是傷風敗俗,一點羞恥感都沒,不好好上學,整天花天酒地,辜負爸媽的養育之恩,不好好學習就罷了,還不會好好做人,你看看一個Sports are powerful. They inspire us to come together as a team, to push our limits, to grow in strength, to achieve what we didn't think possible. At Mizuno, we believe there is potential in everyone to transform their life through dedication to sport. A...