結婚好難 但為何剩男剩女這麼多
PHP: mkdir - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor現在結婚不像從前,遵循媒妁之言,或者聽從爸媽的建議,選擇有錢有地位的女人或男人作為終生伴侶,自由戀愛的現代社會,無論結婚還是交往對象,憑感覺戀愛,進而交往結婚,但為什麼現代社會還有這麼多剩男剩女? 甚至有黃金單身漢或敗犬女王的稱號出現呢? 選個結婚對象,這麼困難? (Source:Indmkdir, file rw, permission related notes for Fedora 3//// If you are using Fedora 3 and are facing permission problems, better check if SElinux is enabled on ur system. It add an additional layer of security and as a result PHP cant write to the folder ev...