MLB Matchups at VegasInsider.com, the leader in Sportsbook and Gaming information - MLB Matchups, ML約翰從學校帶了黑眼圈回家,媽媽問這是怎麼回事,約翰答道:「我跟比爾打了一架。」 媽媽明理地說:「明天你帶塊蛋糕給比爾,並向他道歉。」第二天約翰又帶回一個更大的黑眼圈。「天啊!」媽媽大驚失色地叫道:「這是誰幹的好事?」約翰答道:「比爾幹的,他說還想要再吃我帶給他的蛋糕。」MLB Matchups provided by VegasInsider.com, along with more baseball information for your sports gaming and betting needs. ... Gold Membership With a VI Gold Membership, you can SAVE 10% off a Live Odds subscription, SAVE 20% off Daily Pick packages ......