mlc nand

Multi-level cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia猜猜看....!!! In electronics, a multi-level cell (MLC) is a memory element capable of storing more than a single bit of information. MLC NAND flash is a flash memory technology using multiple levels per cell to allow more bits to be stored using the same number of tran...


NAND Flash | 集邦TrendForce - 提供內存閃存、LED照明、顯示器面板、新能源太陽能光伏產業的市場報告、價格趨勢及 ...只要照片跟蠟筆,到處都可以玩耶!!! 項目 日高點 日低點 盤高點 盤低點 盤平均 盤漲跌幅 64Gb 8Gx8 MLC 7.1600 3.2500 7.1600 3.2500 4.4600-0.09% 32Gb 4Gx8 MLC 4.0000 2.6200 4.0000 2.6200 3.1000-0.06%...
