mmc exe

What Is MMC EXE in Windows XP? | eHow - eHow | How to - Discover the expert in you!嘖嘖....這需要高深的技術... While using Windows XP, you may find via the Task Manager a program that is constantly running: "MMC.exe." You may even be understandably concerned to find such an oddly named program constantly running on your computer, but worry not. The MMC program was...


Windows Server System 的系統管理工具與 MMC而且造詣極佳... 系統管理工具 控制台是 Windows 管理工具的元老,而新的、功能更強的工具大多採用 Microsoft Management Console(MMC)的規格;在【系統管理工具】裡面就有很多 MMC 工具(稍後會詳細說明 MMC),以及 EXE 執行檔格式、HTML Application 格式和 Web ......
