Darkfall Unholy Wars - Official Site 話說美國某沙漠中,有一個加油站,加油站的停車場中停滿各式各樣的車子,從勞斯萊斯到日產的都有。 有一天,一個年輕人來到這加油站中加油並休息,與老闆閒聊時注意到這件事情,便問老闆說是怎麼回事? 老闆:喔!就是有人無聊,跟我兒子打賭輸的! 年輕人:真的? 老闆:對啊!如果客人能模仿我兒子作十個動作,就算Darkfall Unholy Wars - Official Website. Darkfall Unholy Wars is an intense full PvP MMORPG that combines real-time action and strategy in a fantasy setting. ... Greetings, As February comes to an end, we would like to share our patch progress within the ...