Moai - Official Site 精子是具有單一目的性的:被充分利用使卵子受精。但是好像沒有人說過這種專門接觸卵子的細胞就沒有別的用處了呢?精子,和它的旅行好夥伴——精液,其實是多面手,並且用途很多。下面是精子的一些非常規用法。 1,柔膚水 精子裡包含一種抗氧化劑,叫做精氨(spermine)Moai is the mobile platform for pro game developers. It's open source, based on Lua, and has a complete set of client libraries. Get Moai. ... To help people get started who don't want to compile the latest source code, here is a compiled version of the d...