mobil 1

DotSIS: The Next Generation Mobile Forum ▲完美的瑜珈褲。(source:thechive,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 國外這幾年吹起了「翹臀風潮」,看女生的身材又多了一項標準,就是屁股。沒錯,你沒看錯,就是屁股!其實兔編默默也是很愛看屁股的色胚子,所以平常也會注意一下,不知道為什麼,有屁股的女生就是很加分啊~~ 根據thUIQ OS 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 Sony Ericsson {P800 , P900 , P910 , P1, P1i, P1c , M600, M600i, M608c , P990, P990i, P990c , W950, W950i, W958c , W960, W960i, W960c , G700 , G900 }, Motorola {A920 , A925 , A1000 , M1000 , RIZR Z8, Nahpohos Z8 , RIZR ......


MobileRead Forums 話說, 很多人都有這麼一個夢想——和心愛的人一起環遊世界。   而來自美國的Matt和Jessica夫婦把這個夢做得更大更美好...   因為夫婦倆是帶着喵主子Georgie,駕着帆船環遊世界的...   從2011年至今,他們已經乘帆船遊歷了MobileRead - the resource for mobile geeks seeking information and advice for keeping their gadgets happy. ... The most important things in Simon Murray’s life are football, friends, and film—in that order. His friends despair of him ever meeting someone,...


Luciano Pavarotti - La Donna È Mobile (Rigoletto) - YouTube 話說, 有些童鞋如果對老一點的日本漫畫有所涉獵的話... 應該對上世紀90年代日本著名漫畫家北條司的人氣大作《反串家庭》印象深刻...   這部漫畫講述了一個男女反串的奇特家庭, 看上去像爸爸的那個人實際上是媽媽,性別女, 而看上去像媽媽的那個人實際上是爸爸,性別男...   The "king" Luciano Pavarotti as Il Duca di Mantova in the screen movie "Rigoletto" (1983) based on Giuseppe Verdi's opera with the same name (1851). La Donna È Mobile - Giuseppe Verdi La donna è mobile Qual piuma al vento Muta d'accento E di pensiero Semp...


Mobile Web @ W3C 模特往往都是容貌出眾的,但是也並不總是如此。比如有個泰國女孩Maeya,就完全不符合一般人心目中「模特」的標準     厚嘴唇、兩眼分得很開、鼻樑扁平...從任何角度看都和美女沒有關係       據《泰國網》報道,Maeya今年19歲,因為丑得頗Get Involved! Get your voice heard: get your company to become a W3C Member, and join the relevant Working Groups. Check out also the exploratory work of the Speech API Community Group that promises to bring speech-based interactions to mobile browsers .....


Mobile: News - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news 話說,很多單身汪經常都會抱怨單身生活的苦逼,羨慕情侶們出雙入對和到處派狗糧,但是美國的插畫師Yaoyao Ma Van卻表示——倫家可不這樣想哦!單身的生活明明也可以超棒噠~   這個插畫師繪製出了一系列單身女孩的日常生活,看著感覺瀟灑又自在...   iPhone 7: Most-wanted features With the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in the rear-view mirror now, it's time to look ahead and put in our upgrade requests for the next iPhone, whether it's called the iPhone 6S or iPhone 7. Gallery by David Carnoy December 30, 2014 ...


Rigoletto La Dona e mobile - YouTube    我羨慕有些人說走就走,看遍世間好風光;我也佩服有些人敢做敢玩,敢於挑戰。 和其他女生一樣,Angela Nikolau(安吉拉·尼古拉)也喜歡旅遊、拍照。長相甜美,身材火辣的她,完全可以做一個靠臉吃飯的網紅。 可安吉拉·尼古拉偏偏不用美顏也不靠Jean-Pierre Ponnelle's classic film of Verdi's dark tragedy features the legendary Luciano Pavarotti as the dashing Duke of Mantua....
