Mobile UI Design Patterns: 10+ Sites for Inspiration 話說, 無論中國還是國外,父母和子女因為家庭糾紛鬧到對簿公堂的情況並不少見, 然而,像美國人Micheal Rotondo, 人到中年卻賴在父母家啃老長達10年,父母用盡辦法都攆不走, 後來,二老被啃到受不了,忍無可忍到法院起訴他,並動用法律手段要將他轟出家門…&hellThis list features over 10 inspiring websites to visit for mobile UI design patterns. They can help you when designing your mobile app or site. ... Hi Jacob, Thanks for sharing this list. A lot of good sites! Also thank you for including my site in the li...