小時候就玩這個還得了?18 禁的搖搖馬任你騎
Guide to Posing the Female Model - Photography Tips, Tricks and Techniques 大家在小時候應該都騎過搖搖馬吧?它可是許多人美好的童年回憶,它可是小朋友很重要的玩伴,一天一直坐在上面都不嫌膩。但沒想到最近竟出現一系列成人版的搖搖馬,擺明就是不能讓小孩騎上去,而是要讓成人使用,與另一半享受另類的情趣。這款18禁的搖搖馬,是由 Peter Jakubik 所打造,價格可不便宜,折The Guide to Posing the Female Model is small enough (8" X 4") for a camera bag or your pocket, but contains an amazing 1,104 easy-to-copy pose images. Because it is spiro-bound, the book opens flat, making it easy to see all poses on every page. Simply ....