Android Tethering Instructions | Smartphone Modem Feature | Android | U.S. Cellular 葉子楣早年在香港有波霸的稱號,拍過《玉蒲團》、《聊齋艷譚》等10餘部三級片,是炙手可熱的艷星。 90年代,她退出影壇。如今,她深居簡出,與醫生男友呂錫照過著平淡的生活。香港女星李麗珍早年因《蜜桃成熟時》、《玉女心經》等情色片走紅,只可惜情路不順,1996年與香港音樂創作人許願結婚,一Learn how to use your U.S. Cellular Android-powered phone as a modem to access the internet with your pc. Get Android tethering instructions and troubleshooting here. ... Android -Powered Phone Tethering In order to use your phone as a tethered modem you'...