如何從外觀分辨大GG的男子? 網友:除了脖子神準了
Unfortunately, LG IMS has stopped - msg repeatedly displays - LG G2, how can I fix this? - Android F如何從外觀分辨大GG的男子?!網路上看到一位網友分享了自己的心得...有7項外表可以證明你的JJ夠不夠大XD 1.長得高 2.腿細 3.腳大 4.脖子粗長 5.鼻子大 6.喉結大 7.手掌張開後,拇指到Hi don't know if this may help but I just found a solution to mine on an LG G4 Go into the hidden menu - on phone dialler, dial 277634#*# (most phones have one - you may have to google to find yours) When in the menu, select Field test > Modem settings .....