The Microsoft Platform: Predefining and customizing the Modern UI Start Screen on RDS 2012 文:郭懿慧 照片:福茂唱片 溫暖天后范瑋琪今(8/23)在充滿幸福的玻璃屋中舉辦〈在幸福的路上〉世界巡迴演唱會台北場記者會,此巡演在今年3/18范范生日當天於深圳首站幸福起跑,經過北京、濟南,將在年底前11/4唱回自己的家「台北小巨蛋」,門票在9/2於寬宏售票系統開賣,她說:真的很開心能夠再次唱給As you probably know Windows 8 does not have a classic Start Menu anymore. To replace that we now have the Modern UI Start Screen. For Windows Server 2012 this is no different. In fact, as soon as you enable the desktop experience feature on a Windows ......