Hands-On With The MOGA Ace Power iOS 7 Game Controller | Touch Arcade ▲幼稚園生竟然對著老師大喊「決鬥」?(sourse : tieba) 遊戲王卡是大家童年的共同回憶,雖然現在已經不像以前那樣流行了,但還是有不少愛好玩家喜歡收藏這些精美的卡片。根據Dcard分享,有一名男網友以前幼稚園時非常熱愛遊戲王卡,甚至每天偷偷帶卡片到學校,也因此鬧出趣事來。 Potential. Potential is the word that kept ringing through my head throughout the entirety of my last week with the MOGA Ace Power controller. From our very first whiffs of new of iOS 7 game controllers to now, the potential that these devices could have ...