AR Drone 2.0 w/ MOGA Pro controler w/ Galaxy Nexus w/ ARDrone Flight Pro - YouTube 本文轉自日本設計小站(ID:japandesign),已獲得其授權 在日本,精神病患者人數增長快速。由於經濟下滑、人民收入下跌、物價飛漲等因素,使精神疾病患者暴增。 日本厚生勞動省發布的報告顯示,2013年日本被強制隔離的精神病THIS VIDEO IS OLD! Check out my newer stuff! UPDATE 8/14/13: DO NOT USE A WIRELESS controller with the AR DRONE! I've been flying for months with my mogapro and I finally gave into the fact that bluetooth DOES NOT work well with WIFI and that it is not as...