少女心難懂?女生 po 圖文不符的自拍照 大嘆自己怎麼長得這麼醜...
Amazon.com: POWER A MOGA Pro Power - Electronic Games: Video Games 大家在使用社群網站,如 Facebook、推特,或是 Instagram ,一定會常常看到很多女生寫了一則意味不明的文,最後一定是加上一張美美的自拍照,這不管是一般的女生,或是小模、女明星都常常做這些事。最近日本推特竟然吹起一股「怨嘆自己醜卻附上美照」的發文風潮,讓許多同為女生的人都忍不住翻白眼,This review is for the Moga Pro Power. EDIT: I have now rooted my phone thanks to the new method and can use ps3 controller for emulators. Moga is preferred for Modern Combat 4 though and the built in phone holder is really great for playing on a Note 3. ...