
Mojito - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 學長應該也不是完全沒意思拉~ 看他在搭車那段就可以猜出來,可能是悶騷型的哦!! 原po加把勁!!!!   ----------------------------------Dcard原文:學長,我追你真的是隔層鋼絲制的紗~PART 1他本來應該是學長(就先代稱:學長)但是因為出車禍晚一Mojito (/moʊˈhiːtoʊ/; Spanish: [moˈxito]) is a traditional Cuban highball. Traditionally, a mojito is a cocktail that consists of five ingredients: white rum, sugar (traditionally sugar cane juice), lime juice, sparkling water, and mint.[1][2] The origina...


Mojito Cocktail Recipe - - Allrecipes - Recipes and cooking confidence for home cooks   原po的直球超明顯的啊!!!難不成學長真的是神木... 天蠍座應該沒這麼傻的吧...還是學長其實再玩你XDD 敲碗等part3~~~ ----------------------------Dcard原文:學長,我追你真的是隔層鋼絲制的紗~PART2學長因為腳傷是傷殘車,所以可以橫行Muddled mint and rum. Similar to a mint julep, but made with rum instead of bourbon. This cocktail has recently become popular again. ... On Sale Change Settings Save and Close Hmm. None of these ingredients are on sale today. Show ingredients on sale Sor...


Mojito調酒 - 相關圖片搜尋結果   不是台北 不是基隆 不是 新竹 不是苗栗~ 哈哈XD  看來猜的出結果了! 原po人太好了,這種男生竟然還跟他交往,簡直便宜他了 還好及早看清楚他的性格 生日送他神主牌這段真的太好笑了! -------------------------------------------...


Best Cuban Mojito Recipe | Authentic Cuba Cocktail Mixed Drink原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 還記得這些強的不得了的小孩嗎? 忘了也沒關係 因為萌友可以先複習一下上篇:   這次要介紹前十名的小孩 究竟誰才是最強兒童呢(✪ω✪) 第10名    Taste of Cuba will show you how to make the same mojito enjoyed by Hemingway in Cuba, plus hundreds of other tasty Cuban drinks and meals. ... There are countless recipes for the Mojito (pronounced moh-HEE-toh), but this version is for the one ......


Mojito Cocktail Recipe - Rum Drink - Caribbean and Latin Food - Recipes and Cooking Tips原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:鴉小編 萌友們,呀比~我是鴉小編(‘ω’)ノ 說到京阿尼,你的腦海裡浮現出的是哪些動畫呢? 等等!不是這個阿尼! 揪陡媽爹~~這個阿妮很好但她不是京阿尼的啊啊啊嗯嗯ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ   動畫製作公司「京都アニメーション」, 中文直譯為京Traditional mojitos are made with mint, rum, powdered sugar, lime, and club soda. Serve these fashionable yet traditional mojitos at your next Havana or Cuban themed party. ... The mojito was born in Havana, Cuba. There are many variations of the drink. T...
