momo oh happy day

Momo & Pinot - The Cavs' Diaries爆笑:當代徵婚廣告小資臭美型 本人25歲,學歷天天向上,目前碩士在讀,任職於政府機關,收入只上不下,結婚左右開弓,豪宅大房樓下樓上。現徵青春玉女白首偕老。 自我吹捧型 雖然曾經愛慕我財富的美女,如滾滾的浪潮向我不斷地襲來,雖然我的帥氣能夠讓家庭主婦也要扔下菜籃子,像龍捲風一樣包圍我。雖然我的才情讓我Cavalier King Charles, Momo and Pinot's diaries from Canada. ... Momo and Pinot Toronto, Ontario, Canada Come visit us @ My name is Momo, a female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel AKA 'the original' baby of our mom and ......


Made by Momo親愛的老婆:剛開始,你對我說要炒股票,我覺得就像你想去新馬泰玩一趟一樣,新鮮勁過了,你還是原來的你。然而現在我承認自己錯了。當你愛上股票,就像愛上了某個英俊多情又神秘的男子。作為一項投資,你炒股,我不反對,但當你把股票作為唯一的興趣愛好,無時無刻不研究它,仿佛走火入魔一般,我不得不說:我發現你變了。Mari AKA Momo I want this blog to make you feel inspired, creative, unique, and happy. Most of all I want us to become friends, and I hope that you will enjoy hanging out with me on my paper crafting adventures. View my complete profile...


my little favourite DIY: Kueh MoMo...A very Happy Lunar New Year..阿呆:「老師,我要大便。」 老師:「這位同學,我們說話要文雅一點,請你換一個說法,例如說…」 不待老師說完,捧著肚子的阿呆大喊:「老師,我的屁股想吐啦!」 歷史課,老師正好講到拿破崙,看到每天打瞌睡的小華又墜入夢鄉了。 老師不由得感慨地說:「各位同學,拿破崙一天只睡三個小時,Oh!!! I am so late to wish all my fellow bloggers, my readers and my dear friends A Happy Lunar New Year with all good health, good luck and good fortune to all of YOUs..:D In this Year of the Snake wishing everyone ...HUAT, HUAT, HUAT ahhh!! 送上遲來的新年 ......


Momo Fali's - Forget your troubles; come read about mine小明很喜歡看恐怖的書。有一天,小明到書店跟店員說:我要買你們這裡最恐怖的書! 店員說:「1000元!」小明說:「800元好不好?」店員就賣給他了。 可是店員叫他一定不要看最後一面,因為非常非常非常恐怖! 小明回家後,一直看一直看,等到看到最後一頁時,他終於忍不住翻了最後一面…If I hadn’t been there myself I wouldn’t have believed it. My son made a stranger cry today. My 12 year old with special needs, who struggles desperately with decision making, had a melt-down in the patriotic shirt section of Old Navy today. We spent 15 m...


DoDo, MoMo & FiFi兩個瓦斯工人,到一戶人家裡去檢查瓦斯管。 檢查完畢,確 認安全無虞之後,兩個人便打賭,誰可以最先跑回車上。 於是,兩個人走出門後頭也不回的拼命跑。 兩個人努力的往車子的方向跑去,卻聽到後面還有一個人的喘息聲, 回頭一看,原來是剛剛那家的小姐跟在後面, 瓦斯工人問:「是不是哪裡出了問題?」 小姐大聲喊10-38 - *well, u see, mister officer, it was just easier this way because my dad and I are going to the chikky fil a, and I know the shortcut but he ... Happy Birthday, Twix! - Today is my baby girl's birthday. She was born June 20, 1999. For those of ......


Peach Girl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia昨天我生日,跟兩個高中同學出來吃飯聊聊天後來聊到高中時的數學老師這個人實在太有梗,來出賣他一下XDDD=========以上騙批幣==============事件一:老師非常喜歡把泡麵當科學麵吃有時候課上到一半肚子餓了他就說「你們做一下這裡的題目,老師很快就回來!」然後跑去辦公室拿碗公裝泡麵(乾的)Peach Girl (Japanese: ピーチガール, Hepburn: Pīchi Gāru?) is a Japanese shōjo manga series by Miwa Ueda. A high school drama centered on character Momo Adachi, her love life, friendships and rivalries, it was published in Japan by Kodansha in Bessatsu Friend fr...
