Mona Lisa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia香車配美人自古是男人們的最愛,試想一邊駕馭著自己心愛的名車、右前座又有心愛的美女在懷,該是如何的快意呀。尤其鍾情改裝車這一味的男士們,對於女伴更是有著自己獨特的偏好,那就是一定要很辣!而在汽車工業最發達的德國,每年更是會舉辦一場別開生面的改裝車小姐選美,獲選為改裝車皇后的小姐就可以和頂尖攝影師以及名The Mona Lisa (Monna Lisa or La Gioconda in Italian; La Joconde in French) is a half-length portrait of a woman by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, which has been acclaimed as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung a...