小護士軋4男,享盡千萬寵愛 稱「因為我值得」
BR2 | Bronze BR | Monitor Audio - Hi-Fi Speakers, Home Theatre Speakers and iPod Docks | Monitor小護士軋4男,享盡千萬寵愛! 她:「因為我值得」 現年23歲的小護士伊絲梅 (Esmay Nixon) 日前受英國太陽報訪問時表示,在甜心有約(Seeking Arrangement)認識有錢富豪,不僅送她不少昂貴禮品,更帶她去高檔餐廳用餐,同時資助她「善款」以養家活口。 可是瑞凡,糖戀太高檔,我回February 2011 Monitor Audio polishes Bronze "Nothing else at this price exudes luxury to the same extent as the BR2's...They're refined so they won't make a meal of aggressive recordings...detail resolution is excellent...when using more capable kit, the ...