GS10 | Gold GS | Monitor Audio - Hi-Fi Speakers, Home Theatre Speakers and iPod Docks | Monitor千萬不要用草莓麵包我拿美工刀為我的GK模型整形的時候小聲說:是那種可愛清涼蘿莉型的喔 ^ ^因為太過於專注了沒發現到女朋友悄悄的走到我後面來她突然出聲說:喔~你有這種嗜好阿~~邪之音:哈~哈~被發現了吧嚇的我~屁~滾~尿~流~失~了~魂~手上的美工刀往手掌心一劃大概過了三秒掌心的傷口鮮血狂噴女友當場RST® The Rigid Surface Technology (RST) cone profile is inspired by the Japanese art of Origami, which demonstrates how a very light material (like paper) can be strengthened and made more rigid by making small and precise folds on its surface. Monitor Au...