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R45HD | Radius HD | Monitor Audio - Hi-Fi Speakers, Home Theatre Speakers and iPod Docks | Monitor 影片來源:http://bit.ly/2PHxUv7 維娜斯讓男人2019勇於挑戰:http://bit.ly/2Vu6No8 看得不夠,還想再讀-- 【上班塑身】OL上班的好夥伴-維娜斯推推指塑身衣! 〔塑身衣推薦〕不悶熱就是穿得住,維娜斯塑身衣雕塑我的好身材! 【塑British manufacturer of medium to high-end audiophile speakers for stereo systems and home theatre setups such as home cinema packages. ... Your Speaker The diminutive R45HD is the perfect satellite speaker for front left, centre, right and rear surround ...