舊愛是每個男人死穴 陳志強:得不到的才是最美!
FAKE Monster Beats Studio HD: Here is how to tell a real from a fake三立八點台劇《炮仔聲》自從新角色陸續加入後,劇情越來越精彩,劇中吳婉君飾演的吳家雯感情狀況備受觀眾熱烈討論,目前已累積到五位追求者的她,對於吳家雯一角的感情狀態只能用「水深火熱」來形容,因為最近的兩位追求者分別是飾演渣男前夫的陳志強以及飾演癡情流氓的劉至翰,兩人為了追求吳婉君,較勁過程只能用「幼稚」I'm not confirming whether or not your Beats Studio is fake or not, but I did want to say the following: I have received two Beats Studio headphone samples directly from Monster Cable. The first was received before official release, and may have been earl...