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Monster Beats Solo HD review - Headphones - Trusted Reviews 1.控訴感情不幸,可憐兮兮 現象:她很願意單獨和你聊天。其實,男女朋友間拉拉傢常,再正常不過瞭。她若經常對你說起傢庭的痛苦與婚姻的不幸,話語間還略帶著對你的欣賞,那你就不能無動於衷瞭。她毫無保留地向你控訴丈夫的無能平庸,懶散邋遢,專橫跋扈,不解風情。在這個傢中,她比“喜兒還喜兒&rdqMonster Beats Solo HD Headphones review: Monster Beats By Dr. Dre Solo HD headphones upgrade the sound of the original Beats Solo model. ... The Beats by Dr. Dre range of headphones has only been around since 2008, but in the few years of its existence .....