Monster Hunter 3 - The Monster Hunter Wiki - Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter 2, Monster Hunter 3, and 大家可能還記得這張圖:威廉王子和凱特王妃的婚禮上,那個滿臉不爽捂着耳朵的小朋友 雖然大人們都很重視婚禮(或至少表面要有禮有節),但孩子們並不會顧及那麼多——不開心,就是不開心唄! 小姑娘真的厭倦了沒完沒了的祝賀了 &nMonster Hunter Tri is the third installment in the Monster Hunter series and is the direct... ... Monster Hunter 3 Limited Edition In Japan, Capcom released this game with four bundles: [7] [8] The first two bundles are Monster Hunter 3 Classic Controller...