Monster Hunter 4 - The Monster Hunter Wiki - Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter 2, Monster Hunter 3, and崔始源愈來愈有男人味了!那不只是因為費洛蒙,也不是因為他總喜歡穿著簡約夾克與帥氣襯衫,而是因為對於「責任感」,他擁有如老派紳士般的浪漫與堅持,這讓他蛻變成一位更加成熟的男人。剛健身完的崔始源,就這樣穿著運動服走進了 攝影棚。奇妙的是,即使他身著運動服,看起來仍是一副隨時準備好要進行拍攝的模MH4 Discussion Monster Hunter 4 is the latest release in the Monster Hunter series, developed by... ... Monster Hunter 4 is the latest release in the Monster Hunter series, developed by Capcom. It is the second game in the aforementioned series to be rele...