If Monster Tajima Built An Electric Car... - Speedhunters男人就是喜歡玩曖昧。而且很多時候,在女人看來簡單明瞭的行為,在男人的眼裡,卻會和極隱秘的曖昧發生聯繫。到底哪些場合和行為容易讓男人產生曖昧的聯想呢?而在這曖昧的背後男人有有著怎樣的慾望暗示呢? 男人與女人之間有著這麼一種若即若離的情感,無關責任,披一件荒唐的外衣,它就成了曖昧。現在是離愛情很遠,離曖It is always fascinating to look back in history and see how designers imagined the car of the future. The stylistic exercises of the ’50s and ’60s spawned some pretty quirky concepts more inspired by sci-fi films than by function. But if we ask ourselves...