韓國掀起用「黑玫瑰」示愛風潮!絨感質地 神秘又奢華,代表:「你永遠屬於我」
T-shirt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaTEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 Source: Pinterest 當你想偶爾來點浪漫,送另一半一束玫瑰花表達心意時,紅玫瑰、粉玫瑰常常是你的第一選擇,但你知道,現在韓國又興起另一種特別顏色的玫瑰,就是「黑玫瑰」!近期儂編就在網路上看到許多韓國女生在IG上分享黑玫瑰,黑玫瑰究竟為何A T-shirt (or T shirt, tee-shirt, or tee) is a style of soft shirt, named after the T shape of the body and sleeves. It is normally associated with short sleeves, a round neck line known as a "crew neck", and no collar. Typically made of cotton fibers kni...