We Choose the Moon: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing 夜色朦朧,你和一位聲音低沉、身高一米八五的高挑女子在酒吧中推杯換盞,見時機成熟,你邀她換個地方探討探討物理學問題。 萬萬沒想到 “親愛的,我先洗個澡。”美女邁著大步進了衛生間,你則躺在床上小憩片刻。想起今天的艷遇,你的嘴角不禁上揚。睜眼後,眼前的一幕把你嚇尿…We're glad you want to use this service! As we are committed to online privacy and security, especially with regard to children, we can't accept your request. ... To protect children's personal information and to meet the standards of the Children's Onlin...