Show girl尺度超大的成都車展
Science at Issue in Debate on Morning-After Pill - NYTimes.com8月31日,第十五屆成都國際汽車展覽會開幕,車展上部分車模近乎全裸亮相,引爆會場。有網友戲稱,這分明是到成都的“奶展”看車,也有網友表示,這充分體現了成都“有蓉奶大”的城市特色。圖為成都車展上的部分惡魔勁爆車模。  Some abortion opponents say emergency contraception pills may block fertilized eggs from implanting, but scientists say there is no evidence the pills work that way. ... The F.D.A. declined to discuss decisions about the effect on implantation or to say w...