迎接夏日浪潮 VANS重現加州文化氛圍│MILK潮流誌
Mother Teresa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia講究流行時尚的讀者,對於VANS品牌一定不會陌生,當我們談論街頭文化、極限運動的時候,VANS往往是我們共通的第一聯想。時節進入春夏交界,大家也有越來越多的機會從事戶外活動,除了一般的陸上活動之外,海上運動更是四面環海的台灣不可或缺的夏季運動之一。 衝浪季節 VANS主打加州夏日氣息 VANS誕生於The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, M.C.,[1] commonly known as Mother Teresa (26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997), was a Roman Catholic Religious Sister and missionary[2] of Albanian origin who lived for most of her life in India. Mother Teresa founded the Mis...