GT賽事專用 McLaren 570S GT4
MotioninJoy v0.7.1001 - Download 2015年於紐約車展亮相的McLaren 570S,開啟了另一個入門級距,而當時McLaren也不排除會使用570S打造GT4廠車,果不其然,McLaren官方發表新聞稿,正式推出570S GT4與570S Sprint。 此兩款車皆由cLaren賽車部門進行打造,其實全新的GT4車型還沒有真正完Download MotioninJoy v0.7.1001. Use your Playstation 3 controller on your computer. MotioninJoy is a small application that allows you to use the Playstation 3 controller, for lots of users one of the most comfortable of all times, with all the games on y...