Motorola Moto G (2014) specs - Phone Arena - Phone News, Reviews and Specs天氣涼涼正好眠昨天才加班到半夜.今天大清早又要上班 台灣去年平均每名勞工工作時數高達2140.8小時,僅次於新加坡與香港,排名全球第3,但薪資卻倒退回16年前水準,位居亞洲四小龍之末,換算時薪連新加坡的一半都還不到,簡直是越忙越窮!有學者指出,台灣官方數據是以訪問雇主為主,調查結果可能「失真」,若調While most of the buzz has been for its brother the new Moto X, there is officially a new Moto G as well. Of course, there isn't exactly all that much that is new about the device, as it shares quite a bit in common with last year's Moto G. The major ......