Motorola Moto G (2014) specs - Phone Arena - Phone News, Reviews and Specs 娛樂圈是姐弟戀重災區,袁莉40高齡嫁80後洋帥哥,高圓圓生擒小5歲的台灣小生趙又廷,蕭亞軒乾脆玩起了跨年戀,70後的準阿姨瞄上了90後的柯弟弟,見鬼,他倆也能湊一對?每個熟女身後都有個小跟班,讓90後的妹子去折騰大叔吧,姐姐們實在等不起啦,從現在開始,勾上一個是一個,搭成一對是一對,管他到底差幾歲While most of the buzz has been for its brother the new Moto X, there is officially a new Moto G as well. Of course, there isn't exactly all that much that is new about the device, as it shares quite a bit in common with last year's Moto G. The major ......