隨著巴西成為全球焦點,Nike Sportswear推出最新系列向革命性戰靴致敬
Motorola Mobility - Motorola Solutions - Hong Kong 為展現足球的激情與天賦,Nike Sportswear將推出兩個系列鞋款-Nike Sportswear Magista和 Mercurial 系列。其設計靈感皆源於全新設計的足球戰靴Nike Magista和Nike Mercurial Superfly,這些足球戰靴幫助球員在球場上充分發揮各自We have streamlined our business and now invite our customers from Hong Kong to learn more about our mobile phones here.* However, you can still get mobile phone assistance through your local support site and view more products available in your area....