Motorola Moto G vs Motorola Moto X vs Google Nexus 5: specs comparison早晨起得早,就出去跑了一會兒步。路過一家早點鋪,看見人很多,一想肯定做得不錯,於是就坐了下來要了一籠包子。正坐著等呢,一個老大媽牽著一隻小狗坐到了我的對面,這隻小狗很特別,長得小巧玲瓏,兩個耳朵尖尖地豎立著,活像一個「微縮」型的小鹿。 只見大媽對它說:「坐下,等著吃飯。」它還真聽話,老老實實地坐在地After months worth of anticipation, Motorola's foray into the low-end smartphone market is now a reality, thanks to the just-outed Moto G. The Moto G largely takes its design cues from the Moto X, though it's admittedly a stripped-down, slightly less-chic...