LOVE 是甚麼
Motorola Moto G vs Motorola Moto X vs Google Nexus 5: specs comparison一日,獨立自信的女人越過沙漠和曠野,來到上帝面前,問:「主啊!甚麼是『愛』?」作嬉皮士打扮的上帝,輕吐出含有大麻的煙圈說:「愛,就是LOVE。」女人又問:「LOVE 是甚麼?」上帝說:「LOVE 就是 L-O-V-E。 L 是指 Laughter(歡笑),與愛人一起,如果不快樂的話,又怎算是愛? OAfter months worth of anticipation, Motorola's foray into the low-end smartphone market is now a reality, thanks to the just-outed Moto G. The Moto G largely takes its design cues from the Moto X, though it's admittedly a stripped-down, slightly less-chic...