Moto X wallpapers now available to download | TalkAndroid.com 談話到一半,他突然欠身站起,拉開緊閉的門窗,點了根煙。“年輕時,我也希望能遇到真命天女,就這樣相守一生,”他吐出長長的一口氣,煙就這麼隨著屋外的冷冽寒風,消散在空氣中。婚姻,是他說不出口的痛。外人眼中的他,事業成功,雖然頭髮有些稀疏,身材卻算英挺。灰色上衣配上黑色長褲,看似Well that didn’t take long. A day after the Moto X unveiling, the full system dump became available, and now the wallpapers are ready for your downloading pleasure. As you can see, the themes are very patriotic and most suitable for the U.S. Not surprisin...