
Memorandum of understanding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia這也太貼切了吧. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) is describing a bilateral or multilateral agreement between two or more parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used in cases where part...


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MOU - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia騎狗(真是服了他們)~~這兩人夠能搞的!!!MOU, MoU, Mou or mou may refer to: As an acronym or code: Matching optics unit, a mirror array used in a gyrotron to focus radiation Memorandum of understanding Ministry of Unification, a branch of the South Korean government Minutes of Use, in telecommun...


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Definition | Investopedia哈利波特的同學XDDDDDD=_= The MOU is often the first stage in the formation of a formal contract. An MOU is far more formal then a handshake and is given weight in a court of law should one party fail to meet the obligations of the memorandum....


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Elli Kokkinou - Erota Mou - YouTube 沒事你裝什麼貓頭鷹啊,趕快給我下來抓老鼠去!Erota Mou Erota mou-erota mou Irthes pali sta onira mou Emoni idea ise Ti fotia mou apopse svise Aploskite episkefti Paranome erasti mou Gemizis me endiaferon Tin axari zoi mou Etsi ksafnika ena vradi Enfanistikes mprosta mou......
