雙機械增壓上看800ps 有點複雜的電腦設定
Doubt | Define Doubt at Dictionary.com圖片來源:Web Option Lexus RC F原廠賦予的5.0升V8自然進氣引擎,477ps/54.0kgm的最大出力其實已經能夠滿足不少車主,不過J&K改裝店鋪不知道是哪裡有障礙,硬要將目標放在與GT-R對抗,而原本約600ps的單機械增壓式樣已經是相當安定了,不過為了將動力再向上推進,Doubt and doubtful may be followed by a subordinate clause beginning with that, whether, or if: I doubt that (or whether or if) the story is true. It is doubtful that (or whether or if) the story is true. There is some doubt that (or whether or if) the st...