The Mozart Effect® - Books, music, resources and more! 曾經,我無法理解這句話:「男人來自火星女人來自金星」。直到我長大了,才理解男人和女人之間的差異真的很大。根據這些圖像,女人顯然是極其複雜和神秘的生物,而男人則是一個頭腦簡單的物種...... 男人就像桃子,女人就像是就雞蛋,男人外表很軟,裡面很硬,要慢吃慢咬,女Music for The Mozart Effect® CD Volume 6, Noon, Morning and Night is designed to gently transport mind and body to a state of deep and transformative relaxation. The physical, emotional, and aural stress of modern life is unique in the human history ......