Burning MP4 video to DVD - Official Nero Forum 話說... 最近某品牌發布了一組有點大尺度的宣傳海報... 照片中的女性衣着帥氣,氣場強大, 男人在一旁赤身裸體,似乎是陪襯。 這組宣傳照一經發布,也引起了很多人的關注, 然而... 大家關注的原因,除了海報本身有些暴露之外, 更是因為這麼多年來,終於有公司願意站出來為Is there a way to burn MP4 videos to DVD? I always produce the highest quality videos I can. I use Power Director 10 editor for videos that I am very well satisfied with on the produced result, but not on the burning to DVDs. That is why I tried Nero. The...