How to burn mpeg to dvd? any help will be great, thx - Official Nero Forum (示意圖非當事人 圖翻攝自youtube 2 下同) 各行各業都有一定的辛苦,尤其是服務業更需要大眾的體諒!前兩天有一名網友匿名在Dcard上發文,表示自己在超商打工時發現許多民眾進店裡以後了EQ跟IQ都會瞬間下降!還好他有超強的心臟跟極好的調適能力,因此才能長期生存下去。不過就在今天他實在忍無可Hey Wither, I tried writing the MPEG files to my hard drive after they were authored using Nero Vision. Then I uploaded the video TS files from the hard drive into the Nero Burning ROM program, and the burn was a complete success. Thank you for sharing yo...