User fee - Merchandise Processing Fees - U.S. Customs & ... 用手觸摸電風扇或洗衣機等家用電器時,有時會感到“麻”了一下,這說明用電器存在著漏電現象。如果用試電筆接觸用電器的外殼,試電筆中的氖管發紅,會顯示出有電的亮光。如果漏電現象不嚴重,可以自己動手解決。 第一種方法,是先把電源線的插頭從插座上拔下來,將插頭兩銅片的位置What is a Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) and why do I have to pay it? Formal and informal entries are subject to a Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF). The CBP Regulations 19 CFR 24.23(b)(1) requires the importer of record to pay the fee to Customs and ......