mpu 401

MPU-401 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia哈哈~女生有這麼激烈嗎XD The MPU-401, where MPU stands for MIDI Processing Unit, was an important but now obsolete interface for connecting MIDI-equipped electronic music hardware to Personal Computers. It was designed by Roland Corporation, which also co-authored the MIDI standa...


Download MPU-401 Compatible MIDI Device 5.1.2535.0咦...怎麼那麼準~!!!! MPU-401 Compatible MIDI Device free download. Get the latest version now. MPU-401 Compatible MIDI Device ... The easiest and safest way to download the Microsoft drivers your system requires is to use an automatic tool to install the correct drivers for y...


我要下載音效卡驅動程式MPU-401 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+有完沒完啦~~!!!! 請大家幫忙一下.我電腦重灌我一值在找音效卡驅動程式MPU-401的驅動程式.請大家幫忙我解決 一下.謝謝^^~ ... 這是適合多版的音效驅動.不介意可以用用看 下載完候選Setup.exe安裝後 重開機就可以 ......


【徵求】音效控制器mpu-401的驅動程式 ~~20點~~ - Yahoo!奇摩知識+背後的故事到底是!? 遺失檔案音效控制器microsoft mpu-401 compatible midi device錯誤訊息這個裝置無法啟動。 (代碼 10)請按 [疑難排解] 啟動疑難排解功能。1按了疑難排解﹐找不到(代碼 10)的解釋2到microsoft下載中心﹐找不到mpu-401的驅動程式....orz,也問過微軟客服,回答 ......


MPU401 | Online references | cyclopaedia.net好想把豬射下來!!! Computer question: Ich benötige einen Soundkarten-Treiber MPU 401 für XP.Nach der Neuinstallation von XP war kein Ton mehr zu hören.Guten Tag, besser wäre wen Sie mit Medion Kontakt aufnehmen damit man ihnen eine Support CD zusendet mit alles Treibern ......
