大熱門!有史以來最賺錢的八樣玩具 你擁有了幾樣?
Pin Mux Tool - PINMUXTOOL - TI Software Folder 在場有帥爸美媽嗎~即將到來的一年一度耶誕節還想不到為家裡的寶貝蛋準備什麼禮物的不妨看看以下列表唄! 魔法螢幕 1960年代,自俄亥俄藝術公司向法國發明家 Andre Cassagnes 買下專利後便開始大量生產這種被發明者本人稱為「魔法螢幕」的繪圖板The Pin MUX Utility is a software tool which provides a Graphical User Interface for configuring pin multiplexing settings, resolving conflicts and specifying I/O cell characteristics for TI MPUs. Results are output as C header/code files that can be impo...