mr brain電影

Internet Movie Database: Maurice LaMarche 全世界最有福氣的名字....(忍不住笑出來)     簡太太在第七胎時終於生了個兒子足便想要為他取個好名子,於是便去拜託一很有名的姓名學師傅。 見面的時候便告訴姓名學師傅她兒子目前是「道」字輩,請師傅務必要取個有福氣的名字,並包個大大的紅包給師傅, 師傅收了紅包便很認真的從五行Actor: Futurama (1999) · The Real Ghost Busters (1986) · Frozen (2013) · Pinky and the Brain (1995). Born: March 30 , 1958 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada...


Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) - IMDb醜小鴨生來就很醜,沒誰喜歡它, 它從小被其他鴨子欺負。 它傷心的離開了媽媽,獨自流浪, 遇到狂風,暴雨,獵狗,熊孩子...... 但醜小鴨沒有畏懼, 它頑強拼搏,努力學習,提升自身素質。 最終,人們發現, 它雖然不好看, 但還挺好吃的。     Directed by Wes Anderson. With George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray. An urbane fox cannot resist returning to his farm raiding ways and then must help his community survive the farmers' retaliation....


Brian Eno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 無言的獅子...人事法規  ---請看到最後(好笑!) 無言的獅子(第一集) 某天,木柵動物園來了一隻獅子,卻被分到猴子區,因此獅子就抗議了 獅子:為什麼我會被分在這裡 園方:抱歉,因為猛獸區缺額已滿,請你在這裡委屈一陣子 於是,獅子不情Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno,[2] RDI[3] (/ˈiːnoʊ/; born 15 May 1948 and originally christened Brian Peter George Eno), professionally known as Brian Eno or simply as Eno,[4] is an English musician, composer, record producer, sin...


Spock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia話說以前海盜猖獗,很多商船遇上海盜都會被洗劫一空,運氣差的連小命都會沒了。於是有一種新職業因應而生--海上保鏢。專門運送貴重貨物,遇上海盜的時候就不會蒙受平白損失了,當然,在海上跑鏢是很危險的一種工作,除了迷路翻船暴風雨之外,真遇到了海盜免不了都是一場血戰。有一個保鏢船長武功非常高強,手下的水手個個Spock, commonly Mr. Spock, is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise.[1] First portrayed by Leonard Nimoy in the original Star Trek series, Spock also appears in the animated Star Trek series, a two-part episode of Star Trek: The Next Gene...


Movie Theaters, Movie Times, New Releases and Showtimes妝前後嚇很大,男病患被嚇到皮皮銼 不好的素材加工一下立刻升等,這廣告傳達的訊息意義真深遠呀~movie times, movie theaters and movie reviews, fast and easy. Read reviews of the latest new movie releases, see trailers and get movie showtimes ... Guardians of the Galaxy 4 1/2 stars. I did not expect much from this movie (My wife wanted to see it). Wh...


Mr Brain電影 - 影片搜尋有一天某學生要請喪假,就拿著假單到教授那兒簽名。學生:教授!我要請假!教授:嗯...假單我看看!喔...好,可是你的請假事由寫【出殯】不太好吧?學生:會嗎?我阿公出殯啊...不然要寫什麼?教授:嗯...總覺得怪!先批準你的假,但請假事由拿回去改一下好了!學生:謝謝教授過了數日後,教授被叫到教務處去了...
