SCP系列 - 1 - SCP基金會 當反派掙人氣?你在說什麼呢!太弱要被主角秒,太強要被主角團群毆!這年頭你以為反派是那麼好混的?! ①阿庫諾洛基亞VS妖精尾巴公會 出自《妖精的尾巴》 (圖片翻攝自toutiao) 這貨原本是個人,殺了太多龍,就變成這樣了。 ……小編還拍死了好多蚊子呢你別嚇我! (圖片翻Content Archives Joke SCPs - Some of the best articles on the site are clever and funny. Make sure yours is before you add it. Archived SCPs - SCPs preserved due to their use in a Foundation Tale or because of staff purview. Decommissioned SCPs - SCPs tha...