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Hokkaido Seafood Buffet - 345 Photos & 627 Reviews - Japanese - Encino - Encino, CA - Phone Number - 基隆,台灣最北的都市,或許是在海邊的城市,所以在這個城市的人們有股特別的味道,誠懇道地的海味道; Hanes這次前進基隆與BBOY 團體TO BE REAL TAIWAN接觸,這個團隊彼此間的熱情的氛圍,讓人感受很舒服。 TO BE REAL TAIWAN,成軍於 2013~3月,團員年齡17-3627 reviews of Hokkaido Seafood Buffet "I don't know what everyone is kvetching about.!!!! I went at 12:30 today with my best friend. They showed us to our table- I ordered a large hot sake- and we proceeded to the buffet. Perfect timing- the…...
