聚焦有型丹寧 Denim Fever
Integration of quantitative DCE-MRI and ADC mapping to monitor treatment response in human breast ca執行、文字/YenLin 攝影/Mark Lee模特兒/邱文駿(風暴)、黃政浩(子席) 妝髮/周妏倩擁有百年歷史的丹寧褲,經過時間的淬煉與洗禮,在時裝史上奠定了無可取代的經典地位,不僅是時尚人士的必備要素,更是人手一件的普及基本褲款,成為極具指標性的人氣單品。本單元精選以下六款別具特色的丹寧褲,經由Eleven patients with locally advanced breast cancer underwent MRI examination prior to and after chemotherapy but prior to surgery. A 1.5-T scanner was used to obtain T 1, ADC and DCE-MRI data. DCE-MRI data were analyzed by the FXR model returning ......