Elbow MRI: MRI Technique, Gross Anatomy, Tendinous, Ligamentous, and Muscle Abnormalities 昨日晚間,在中國南昌地區有多達116台的挖土機,要來拆除已有24年歷史的立交橋,打算一夜之內便拆除完畢,你也許不相信,但是如果是發生在中國,你就不得不信了! 中國承包商聚集一大群施工裝備,只花一個晚上的時候,就拆除完畢! 整個工程造成當地交通中斷56個小時,這樣的景象,真的很難令人相信! (souIn magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the elbow, patients are imaged in the supine position or in the prone position with the arm overhead. Imaging begins about 10 cm above the elbow joint and extends to the bicipital tuberosity. Images are acquired in t...